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Integrating Ansible Automation Controller with Splunk

Do you use Red Hat Ansible Automation Controller to manage your IT infrastructure? Keeping track of what’s happening behind the scenes is crucial. This blog post will show you how to integrate Ansible Automation Controller with Splunk, a popular tool for collecting and analyzing logs.

Red Hat Ansible Automation Controller

Ansible Automation Controller is a powerful tool that helps you automate IT tasks across your infrastructure. It lets you run “playbooks” which are essentially scripts that automate tasks like provisioning servers, configuring software, and deploying applications.

Why External Logging Matters

While Ansible Automation Controller has its logging features, sometimes you might want to collect and analyze those logs in a separate tool like Splunk. This allows for:

Integrating Ansible with Splunk

This guide will walk you through integrating Ansible Automation Controller with Splunk to collect logs externally:

Setting Up Splunk and HTTP Event Collector

We’ll be using Splunk’s HTTP Event Collector (HEC) to receive logs from Ansible.

Step 1. Follow the instructions to set up a Splunk server (we’ll use Podman in this example).

Step 2. Once Splunk is running, access the web interface and configure HEC. Create a new HEC and collect the token for later use.

From Splunk WEBUI -> Settings > Data Inputs -> HTTP Event Collector -> Add new

Use a name to identify your log collection (eg: automation) and leave other fields with default values.

Remember to collect the token from the last screen as follows.

Step 3. Testing the Connection

Use the provided sample curl command to test sending a simple event to Splunk using the HEC token.

Set up environment variables (you can also pass the URL and Token directly)

$ export SPLUNK_TOKEN=8c6d7e94-f01e-452f-b6cb-aa979e3cc4a7
$ export SPLUNK_URL=

Test connection using a curl command as follows.

curl -kv "$SPLUNK_URL/services/collector/event" \
    -H "Authorization: Splunk $SPLUNK_TOKEN" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{"event": "I am using IP!", "sourcetype": "manual"}'
...<removed for brevity>....
* Connection #0 to host left intact

Remember to replace the IP Address (Splunk server) and token in your command.

Check your Splunk search results to verify the event was received successfully.

Important points to note on Splunk

1. The WEBUI port is 8000 in my case.

2. You should use the correct port number configured under HTTP Event Collector -> Edit Global Settings (default 8088) for sending events to Splunk. If you noticed the previous curl command, we have used

Configuring Ansible Automation Controller Logging

Open the Ansible Automation Controller web interface and navigate to Settings -> Logging.

Edit the logging settings and enter the following details:

Save the configuration.

Verifying the Integration

Run a sample job within your Ansible Automation Controller.

Go to Splunk’s search interface and you should see the job history and other activity logs from the Automation Controller.

Customization and Further Reading

You can configure what specific logs you want to send to Splunk by referring to the Ansible Automation Controller documentation.


In real scenarios, there will be situations with connectivity issues and Splunk authentication issues. You can check the logs to understand if any such issues when you have difficulty getting events.

If the Ansible Automation Platform is running on top of OpenShift, then you can check the logs as follows.

# oc logs -f automation-controller-6b77d7f56c-gn9dp automation-controller-rsyslog
# oc logs -f automation-controller-6b77d7f56c-gn9dp automation-controller-task
# oc logs -f automation-controller-6b77d7f56c-gn9dp automation-controller-web

If your Ansible Automation Platform is running on top of VM(s) or as a Containerized Ansible Automation Platform, then you can use the standard journalctl as follows.

$ sudo journalctl -f CONTAINER_NAME=automation-controller-rsyslog

In the below snippet, I am checking the automation-controller-rsyslog container (I am running a Containerized Ansible Automation Platform, hence using the Podman containers) logs and filter with the Splunk IP address (which I have configured wrongly to demonstrate the scenario).

$ sudo journalctl -f CONTAINER_NAME=automation-controller-rsyslog |grep
Mar 15 04:10:27 aap-rhel-92-1.lab.local automation-controller-rsyslog[1514]: rsyslogd: omhttp: suspending ourselves due to server failure 7: Failed to connect to port 8088: No route to host [v8.2102.0-13.el8 try ]
Mar 15 04:10:30 aap-rhel-92-1.lab.local automation-controller-rsyslog[1514]: rsyslogd: omhttp: suspending ourselves due to server failure 7: Failed to connect to port 8088: No route to host [v8.2102.0-13.el8 try ]
Mar 15 04:10:33 aap-rhel-92-1.lab.local automation-controller-rsyslog[1514]: rsyslogd: omhttp: suspending ourselves due to server failure 7: Failed to connect to port 8088: No route to host [v8.2102.0-13.el8 try ]
Mar 15 04:10:36 aap-rhel-92-1.lab.local automation-controller-rsyslog[1514]: rsyslogd: omhttp: suspending ourselves due to server failure 7: Failed to connect to port 8088: No route to host [v8.2102.0-13.el8 try ]
Mar 15 04:10:39 aap-rhel-92-1.lab.local automation-controller-rsyslog[1514]: rsyslogd: omhttp: suspending ourselves due to server failure 7: Failed to connect to port 8088: No route to host [v8.2102.0-13.el8 try ]
Mar 15 04:10:43 aap-rhel-92-1.lab.local automation-controller-rsyslog[1514]: rsyslogd: omhttp: suspending ourselves due to server failure 7: Failed to connect to port 8088: No route to host [v8.2102.0-13.el8 try ]
Mar 15 04:10:46 aap-rhel-92-1.lab.local automation-controller-rsyslog[1514]: rsyslogd: omhttp: suspending ourselves due to server failure 7: Failed to connect to port 8088: No route to host [v8.2102.0-13.el8 try ]

This is a basic setup to get you started. Splunk and Ansible offer many advanced features for customization and deeper analysis. By following these steps, you’ll have Ansible Automation Controller logs flowing into Splunk, giving you valuable insights into your automation processes and overall infrastructure health.

Troubleshooting and guides

The ansible controller will be sending a lot of events and you may want to housekeep your Splunk server accordingly. In my lab environment, I will delete the old events but I need to allow the user with can_delete permission as even the admin user doesn’t have that permission.

Goto Settings -> Users and Edit the User account you want to assign can_delete permission as follows.

Assign user with can_delete permission in Splunk

Now, go back to Search & Reporting and in the search bar enter as follows. (http:automation is the HEC source we created and users earlier)

source="http:automation" | delete

Be careful with the delete operation as it is not supposed to use in production environment without proper planning.

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