During a bulk deployment you noticed that, one of the HPE blade iLO in an HPE c7000 enclosure is not responding properly or configurations are not correct. And even after hours of investigation, you couldn’t identify the issue as other blade iLOs are working as expected. So, what is next ?
Yes, you can simply do a factory reset on iLO for this HPE blade which will configure the blade iLO to a default/Fresh iLO. But how to do that since there is no button or option for that ? (Please note, we are talking about blade iLO and not the blade itself- which is straight forward as you have BIOS screen to reset).
Not sure you guys noticed, there is an inbuilt hponcfg utility in HPE OA (Onboard Administrator) by which you can easily pass RIBCL script to iLO.
houston-bc-2067> help hponcfg HPONCFG [NOAUTOLOGIN] [SUBSTITUTE [TEST] {"<variable>"="<value>" [,"<variable>"="<value>"[,...]]}] {ALL | <bay number> [{ , | - } <bay number>]} { << <end marker> <\n> | <from_url> [<to_url>] <\n> <end marker> }: Send a RIBCL script to the specified ProLiant servers with the access level/privilege of the current user. Specify NOAUTOLOGIN to use the login credentials in the script as is. The script may be downloaded from a tftp, ftp, http or https by specifying <from_url>. The results can optionally be uploaded to a tftp or ftp location by specifying <to_url>. To manually enter a RIBCL script: (a)Type the "<<" marks and a space. (b)Enter a string that does not appear within the RIBCL script (the so-called end marker). (c)Enter a newline character by pressing ENTER. (d)Paste in the RIBCL script. (e)Enter a newline character by pressing ENTER. (f)Finish the command with the end marker. To use variable substitution, specify the token SUBSTITUTE followed by a list of variable assignments. The list of variable assignments must be a string that contains the variable name and its value. Each variable assignment (the variable name and assigned value) must be separated by an equal sign (=), and the name and the value should each be enclosed by double quotes. Separate multiple key value pairs with a , (comma) delimiter. Variable name and its value can include spaces, numbers, or any printable characters. Up to 25 variables are supported. The maximum length of variable name is 48 characters. The maximum length of variable value is 256 characters. Specify TEST to view the RIBCL script that will be sent to the iLO.
So, we need to pass the proper RIBCL script to the bay we need to factory reset. (default configuration)
Warning : You will lose the connection to iLO.
houston-bc-2067> hponcfg 15 << STARTSTR <RIBCL VERSION="2.0"> <LOGIN USER_LOGIN="adminname" PASSWORD="password"> <RIB_INFO MODE="write"> <FACTORY_DEFAULTS/> </RIB_INFO> </LOGIN> </RIBCL> STARTSTR Bay 15: Executing RIBCL request ... Bay 15: Awaiting RIBCL results ... Bay 15: RIBCL results retrieved. <!-- ======== START RIBCL RESULTS ======== --> <!-- ======== Bay 15 RIBCL results ======== --> <?xml version="1.0"?> <RIBCL VERSION="2.23"> <RESPONSE STATUS="0x0000" MESSAGE='No error' /> </RIBCL> <?xml version="1.0"?> <RIBCL VERSION="2.23"> <RESPONSE STATUS="0x0000" MESSAGE='No error' /> </RIBCL> <?xml version="1.0"?> <RIBCL VERSION="2.23"> <RESPONSE STATUS="0x0000" MESSAGE='No error' /> </RIBCL> <?xml version="1.0"?> <RIBCL VERSION="2.23"> <RESPONSE STATUS="0x0000" MESSAGE='No error' /> <INFORM>Integrated Lights-Out will reset at the end of the script.</INFORM> </RIBCL> <?xml version="1.0"?> <RIBCL VERSION="2.23"> <RESPONSE STATUS="0x0000" MESSAGE='No error' /> </RIBCL> <?xml version="1.0"?> <RIBCL VERSION="2.23"> <RESPONSE STATUS="0x0000" MESSAGE='No error' /> </RIBCL> <?xml version="1.0"?> <RIBCL VERSION="2.23"> <RESPONSE STATUS="0x0000" MESSAGE='No error' /> </RIBCL> <!-- ======== END RIBCL RESULTS ======== -->
Check the Blade details and see as below to confirm.
Server Name: host is unnamed
Now you may proceed to configure all iLO configuration again.
Additional Tip :
Want to reset HPE c7000 enclousre OA itself ? You maye refer this link.
But keep in mind that, you must be locally present at datacenter (or an engineer) or you must have an interlink connection from another enclosure to re-configure the OA IP.