Dynamic Inventory in Ansible Controller: Use an Inventory File as a Source
Here’s a step-by-step guide on creating dynamic inventory using the “Sourced from Project” option in Ansible Controller:
Here’s a step-by-step guide on creating dynamic inventory using the “Sourced from Project” option in Ansible Controller:
The information is collected from the official documents and aggregated to focus on the migration topic.
We need to make sure, ports 5985 and 5986 (HTTPS) are open in firewall (both OS as well as network […]
Introduction When it comes to create an Ansible Lab, you can easily spin-up one using Terraform on AWS, GCP or […]
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Ansible Variables You can use variables in ansible plays to store values like users to create, packages to install etc. […]
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In a production environment, we will have hundreds and thousands of different types machines to handle. Hence the type of […]